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Let’s get started! First up, you will want to install Atuin. The recommended approach is to use the installation script, which automatically handles the installation of Atuin including the requirements for your environment.

It will install a binary to ~/.atuin/bin, and if you’d rather do something else then the manual steps below offer much more flexibility.

Terminal window
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -LsSf | sh

Manual installation

Installing the binary

If you don’t wish to use the installer, the manual installation steps are as follows.

It’s best to use rustup to get setup with a Rust toolchain, then you can run:

Terminal window
cargo install atuin

Please note that this requires the protobuf compiler to be installed

Installing the shell plugin

Once the binary is installed, the shell plugin requires installing. If you use the install script, this should all be done for you! After installing, remember to restart your shell.

Terminal window
echo 'eval "$(atuin init zsh)"' >> ~/.zshrc
Terminal window
# if you _only_ want to install the shell-plugin, do this; otherwise look above for a "everything via zinit" solution
zinit load atuinsh/atuin


Run atuin-update, and if that command is not available, run the install script again.

If you used a package manager to install Atuin, then you should also use your package manager to update Atuin.


If you’d like to uninstall Atuin, please check out this page.