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Basic Usage

Now that you’re all setup and running, here’s a quick walkthrough of how you can use Atuin best

What does Atuin record?

While you work, Atuin records

  1. The command you run
  2. The directory you ran it in
  3. The time you ran it, and how long it took to run
  4. The exit code of the command
  5. The hostname + user of the machine
  6. The shell session you ran it in

Opening and using the TUI

At any time, you can open the TUI with the default keybindings of the up arrow, or control-R.

Once in the TUI, press enter to immediately execute a command, or press tab to insert it into your shell for editing.

While searching in the TUI, you can adjust the “filter mode” by repeatedly pressing ctrl-r. Atuin can filter by

  1. All hosts
  2. Just your local machine
  3. The current directory only
  4. The current shell session only

Common config adjustment

For a full set of config values, please see the config reference page

The default configuration file is location at ~/.config/atuin/config.toml


We have a full page dedicated to keybinding adjustments, there are a whole bunch of options here! Including disabling the up arrow if you don’t like it.

Read more here

Enter to run

You may prefer that Atuin always inserts the selected command for editing. To configure this, set

enter_accept = false

in your config file.

Inline window

If you find the full screen TUI overwhelming or too much, you can adjust it like so

# height of the search window
inline_height = 40

You may also prefer the compact UI mode

style = "compact"