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Syncing dotfiles

While Atuin started as a tool for syncing and searching shell history, we are building tooling for syncing dotfiles across machines, and making them easier to work with.

At the moment, we support managing and syncing of shell aliases and environment variables - with more coming soon.

The following shells are supported:

  • zsh
  • bash
  • fish
  • xonsh

Note: Atuin handles your configuration internally, so once it is installed you no longer need to edit your config files manually.

Required config

Once Atuin is setup and installed, the following is required in your config file (~/.config/atuin/config.toml)

enabled = true

In a later release, this will be enabled by default.

Note: If you have not yet setup sync v2, please also add

records = true

to the same config file.



After creating or deleting an alias, remember to restart your shell!

Creating an alias

atuin dotfiles alias set NAME 'COMMAND'

For example, to alias k to be kubectl

atuin dotfiles alias set k 'kubectl'

or to alias ll to be ls -lah

atuin dotfiles alias set ll 'ls -lah'

Deleting an alias

Deleting an alias is as simple as:

atuin dotfiles alias delete NAME

For example, to delete the above alias k:

atuin dotfiles alias delete k

Listing aliases

You can list all aliases with:

atuin dotfiles alias list

Env vars

After creating or deleting an env var, remember to restart your shell!

Creating a var

atuin dotfiles var set NAME 'value'

For example, to set FOO to be bar

atuin dotfiles var set FOO 'bar'

Vars are exported by default, but you can create a shell var like so

atuin dotfiles var set -n foo 'bar'

Deleting a var

Deleting a var is as simple as:

atuin dotfiles var delete NAME

For example, to delete the above var FOO:

atuin dotfiles var delete FOO

Listing vars

You can list all vars with:

atuin dotfiles var list

Syncing and backing up dotfiles

If you have setup sync, then running

atuin sync

will backup your config to the server and sync it across machines.